Publications : 1995-1999 Journal Articles Varvarigos, E.A.; Lang, J.P. "A virtual circuit deflection protocol", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, June 1999, vol.7, (no.3):335-49. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A. "Macro-star networks: efficient low-degree alternatives to star graphs", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Oct. 1998, vol.9, (no.10):987-1003 Varvarigos, E.M. "The "packing" and the "scheduling packet" switch architectures for almost all-optical lossless networks", Journal of Lightwave Technology, Oct. 1998, vol.16, (no.10):1757-67. Varvarigos, E.A.; Sharma, V. "An efficient reservation connection control protocol for gigabit networks", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, July 1998, vol.30, (no.12):1135-56. Varvarigos, E.A. "Optimal communication algorithms for Manhattan Street networks", Discrete Applied Mathematics, March 1998, vol.83, (no.1-3):303-26. Banerjee, A.; Varvarigos, E. "A Dynamic Scheduling Communication protocol and its analysis for hypercube networks", International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, March 1998, vol.9, (no.1):39-56. Varvarigos, E.A. "Control protocols for multigigabit-per-second networks", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Feb. 1998, vol.E81-B, (no.2):440-8. Varvarigos, E.A.; Sharma, V. "The ready-to-go virtual circuit protocol: a loss-free protocol for multigigabit networks using FIFO buffers", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Oct. 1997, vol.5, (no.5):705-18. Sharma, V.; Varvarigos, E.A. "Circuit switching with input queuing: an analysis for the d-dimensional wraparound mesh and the hypercube", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, April 1997, vol.8, (no.4):349-66. Varvarigos, E.A.; Banerjee, A. "Routing schemes for multiple random broadcasts in arbitrary network topologies", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Aug. 1996, vol.7, (no.8):886-95. Varvarigos, E.A.; Bertsekas, D.P. "A conflict sense routing protocol and its performance for hypercubes", IEEE Transactions on Computers, June 1996, vol.45, (no.6):693-703. Yeh, C.-H. and E.A. Varvarigos, "New efficient majority circuits for the computation of some basic arithmetic functions", J. Comput. Information (JCI), Vol. 2, 1996, pp. 114-136. Varvarigos, E.A.; Bertsekas, D.P. "Dynamic broadcasting in parallel computing", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Feb. 1995, vol.6, (no.2):120-31. Varvarigos, E.A.; Bertsekas, D.P. "Transposition of banded matrices in hypercubes: a nearly isotropic task", Parallel Computing, Feb. 1995, vol.21, (no.2):243-64. Conference Proceedings C.-H. Yeh, E.A. Varvarigos, V. Sharma, and B. Parhami, "Scalable Communication Protocols for High-Speed Networks", Proc. of the 11th International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Cambridge, MA, November 1999, pp. 417-422. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A.; Parhami, B.; Lee, H. "Optimal-depth threshold circuits for multiplication and related problems", Proc. 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 1999, IEEE, p.1331-5, vol.2. Lang, J.P.; Varvarigos, E.A.; Blumenthal, D.J. "The lambda-scheduler: A multiwavelength scheduling switch", 37th Annual Allerton Conference on Communicating, Control, and Computing, Sept. 1999 (invited). Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A.; Hua Lee. "Routing and embeddings in super Cayley graphs", Proc. 5th International Parallel Computing Technologies Conference, (PaCT-99), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.1662, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 1999, Springer-Verlag, p.151-65. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Parhami, B.; Varvarigos, E.A. "The recursive grid layout scheme for VLSI layout of hierarchical networks", Proceedings 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium and 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPPS/SPDP 1999), San Juan, Puerto Rico, IEEE Comput. Soc, April 1999, p.441-5. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Parhami, B.; Hua Lee; Varvarigos, E.A. "2.5n-step sorting on n*n meshes in the presence of o(n1/2) worst-case faults", Proceedings 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium and 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPPS/SPDP 1999), IEEE Comput. Soc, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1999, p.436-40. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A.; Parhami, B. "Efficient VLSI layouts of hypercubic networks", Proceedings 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers '99), IEEE Comput. Soc, Annapolis, MD, USA, Feb. 1999, p.98-105. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A.; Hua Lee. "The priority broadcast scheme for dynamic broadcast in hypercubes and related networks", Proceedings 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers '99), IEEE Comput. Soc, Annapolis, MD, USA, Feb. 1999, p.294-301. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A. "Parallel algorithms on the rotation-exchange network-a trivalent variant of the star graph", Proceedings 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers '99), IEEE Comput. Soc, Annapolis, MD, USA, Feb. 1999, p.302-9. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A.; Hua Lee, "An optimal routing scheme for multiple broadcast", Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'98), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 1998. IEEE Comput. Soc, 1998. p.342-9. Lang, J.P.; Varvarigos, E.A.; Sharma, V. "A new analysis for wavelength translation in regular WDM networks", Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing, Las Vegas, NV, USA, IEEE Comput. Soc, June 1998, p.131-9. Yeh, C.-H. and E.A. Varvarigos, "Algorithms, Implementation considerations, and performance evaluation for a new trivalent variant of the star graph", Proc. Int'l Conf. Telecommunication Systems (ICTS'98), Mar. 1998, 614-616. Sharma, V.; Varvarigos, E.A. "Limited wavelength translation in all-optical WDM mesh networks", Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '98, The Conference on Computer Communications, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 1998, p.893-901, vol.2. Varvarigos, E.A. "The "packing" and the "scheduling" packet switch architectures for almost-all optical lossless networks", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 97), Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 1997. p.257-64 vol. 1. Varvarigos, E.A.; Lang, J.P. "An analysis of deflection-based wormhole routing with virtual channels", Processing Annual European Conference in Parallel Processing (Euro-Par '97), Passau, Germany, Aug. 1997, Springer-Verlag. p.176-87. Varvarigos, E.A.; Lang, J.P. "Performance analysis of deflection routing with virtual circuits in a Manhattan street network", Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96 (IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference), London, UK, Nov. 1996, p.1544-8, vol.3. Banerjee, A.; Varvarigos, E. "A dynamic scheduling communication protocol and its analysis for hypercubes", Proceedings 34th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Urbana, IL, USA, Oct. 1996, p.249-58. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.M. "Macro-star networks: efficient low-degree alternatives to star graphs for large-scale parallel architectures", Proc. Sixth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing (Frontiers '96), Annapolis, MD, USA, IEEE Comput. Soc, Oct. 1996, p.290-7. Sharma, V.; Varvarigos, E. "Some closed form results for circuit switching in a hypercube network", 2nd European Conference on Parallel Processing (EURO-PAR '96), Lyon, France, Aug. 1996, Springer-Verlag, p.738-42 vol.2. Chi-Hsiang Yeh; Varvarigos, E.A. "Depth-efficient threshold circuits for multiplication and symmetric function computation", Proceedings 2nd Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, (COCOON '96), Hong Kong, June 1996, Springer-Verlag, p.231-40. Varvarigos, E.M.; Sharma, V. "A loss-free connection control protocol for the Thunder and Lightning network", Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM '95), Singapore, Nov. 1995, p.450-6 vol.1. Varvarigos, E.; Banerjee, A. "Routing schemes for multiple random broadcasts in arbitrary network topologies", Proceedings 33rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, Oct. 1995, p.578-87. Varvarigos, E.A.; Sharma, V. "An efficient reservation connection control protocol for gigabit networks", Proceedings 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Whistler, BC, Canada, Sept. 1995, p.40. Varvarigos, E.A.; Sharma, V. "Loss-free communication in high-speed networks", Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks/International Conference on Information Engineering, Singapore, July 1995, p.230-6. Varvarigos, E. "Efficient routing algorithms for folded-cube networks", Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Fourteenth Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, March 1995, p.143-51. Book Chapters Varvarigos E, C H Yeh; "Network routing algorithms", In: Wiley encyclopedia of electrical and electronics engineering, Wiley, New York, 1999, p.218-226, ISBN:0-471-13946-7